Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Need A Laugh?

A hilarious backpack prank Video

Funny accident compilation Video

Cats and tennis Video

Kangaroo boots Video

More cat bloopers Video

Here Is Something I Bet You Didn't Hear On The 6 O'clock News

Red coloured rain occurred in many places of Kerala in India during July to September 2001 due to the mixing of huge quantity of microscopic red cells in the rainwater.

Something weird fell in the red rain
Government report ruled out dust, and instead put the colour down to the presence of spores from a lichen-forming algae common to the region.

Microbes In Mysterious Red Rain Water
Kerala, India (AHN) - Godfrey Louis, a physicist at Mahatma Gandhi University, India, believes that water samples taken from the mysterious blood-colored rain that fell sporadically across Louis's home state of Kerala in the summer of 2001, contains microbes from outer space.

Morgellons Agony of Skin Lesions and "Brain Fog"
Reports of a mysterious medical condition are cropping up across the country but doctors are divided on whether it is a real disease or all in their patients' heads. Called Morgellons Disease, patients who report having it describe sensations of creepy-crawlers beneath the skin and fibrous filaments oozing out of open wounds.

Mexican monolith could change history
MEXICO CITY - A carved monolith unearthed in Mexico may show that the Olmec civilization, one of the oldest in the Americas, was more widespread than thought or that another culture thrived alongside it 3,000 years ago.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

In The News

Record meteorite hit Norway
As Wednesday morning dawned, northern Norway was hit with
an impact comparable to the atomic bomb used on Hiroshima.

UFO Video Documentary Out of the Blue

Two-Page Summary of the Book “Disclosure”
Government & Military Witnesses Testify on
Major UFO Cover-up -----Click Here

UFO Facts and a Solution to the Energy Crisis
Testimony of 60 Government & Military Witnesses
Click Here

Secret Nasa Transmissions

Lies In The Textbooks - Creationist Kent Hovind

Every day thinking people from all walks of life and over 50 countries use Raiders News Update for their daily scoop on politics, prophecy, science and mystery. Why not pay this Blog a visit?

Genesis Chapter Six... Again!?
By Donna Anderson
RNU News Sr. Reporter

By Donald C. Jones, Ph.D.
RNU News Sr. Reporter

NASA (Never A Straight Answer)

Everybody Needs A Laugh Sometimes

Very Active Cats Video

For The People By The People?

One of the most beloved things about America is the
freedom other countries hear that we have. My wife
is from the Philippines, a drop-down wonderful place.
After we married, I discovered half of her friends
wanted to come to the United States, the other half
thought the stories they heard about America were to
good to be true. I suppose a lot of those stories were.

Some of her friends had heard money came easy here and
life was grand. They had read about magnificent homes
that sparkled, fantastic employment opportunities, and
all that glitters is gold. I have tried to tell them
the truth, Filipinos here have tried to tell them the
– but will they listen? No many will.

Its true our nation has never known the scourge of
debtor prisons. Your not in danger of being beheaded
once you step outside, and a good education is available
for those who will work for it – provided you don’t use
the government schools to get it. Shopping malls are
popping up everywhere, and the auto industry turns out
the finest of automobiles of any country. But, here in
American everything that glitters is NOT gold, and you
certainly don’t always get what you want.

Most of the reasons so many from other countries want to
come here – doesn’t exist here the way they have been told.
These beautiful dreams of finding a rich and wonderful life
here often ends up being just that, nothing more than a
fleeting dream for many. To be able to be really free, the
government has to be controlled by the people, for the
people as it was intended. However, I am afraid it is
becoming a governmental state for the “Elite” instead of for
the “People”. To press my point, how many laws were passed
in the first part of this year alone we where we, the
citizens, had no voice in? There are laws and bills that are
constantly coming up for votes we never hear about, there
will be more before the year is finished. Those laws and bills
“DO” effect each and every one “us” every day in some way and
we often never hear a word about them until it is too late to
object. The only ones who seem immune are the law makers
themselves. Once the law is passed, it takes a massive
undertaking to have it reversed. Think about it!

When I was in the public school system, the teachers then were
terrible at educating the students. I was an avid reader of
subjects they probably never knew existed. Most of the people,
whom did know, saw such subjects as science fiction. Other
students thought I was a head case in need of Special Attention,
but if they would look back and compare those days of the 1960’s
with today, they would see what they considered science fiction
then was reality today. I failed a lot giving answers according
to the information I had read (outside of school textbooks). The
teachers failed me because my answers were not in compliance with
school literature. As a result, I always felt the public educators
had something to hide. I lost all trust in them and turned to
reeducating myself as much as possible while at the same time,
giving them the answers they wanted.

That is roughly what is going on today in the government, what we
(the citizens of this country) want is not in compliance with what
our elected officials want. The congress and senate push one thing,
religious institutions want another and those of us on the
sidelines have little opportunity to be heard. That is if we even
know about the votes to begin with. Our government (and the religious
institutions) appears to no longer be for the people and by the
people, but for themselves and we are left feeling the effects of the
constant battle they keep brewing up.

Nuff Said

Sunday, June 11, 2006

What Was The Cover-up Hidden by Monks for 500 Years?

Sketches hidden beneath one of da Vinci’s most famous
works have been revealed to the public for the first
time after scientists discovered the provocative
images under a thick layer of paint. You can click on
the title and read the story for yourself.

China Spends $20 Million on UFO Research

While China is now reported to be spending a wopping
$20 million on a UFO Research Center, Mainstream American
Media and Universities laugh at the phenomenon. Are American
scientist making a grave mistake by ignoring the significance
of UFO technology?

China Spends $20 Million on UFO Research

While China is now reported to be spending a wopping
$20 million on a UFO Research Center, Mainstream American
Media and Universities laugh at the phenomenon. Are American
scientist making a grave mistake by ignoring the significance
of UFO technology?

The DaVinci Code

I put off writing about this for quite a while. But then
every time I turned around, someone was bringing it up.
My own supervisor is one such person that run something
into the ground as deep as anyone.

Recent media reports have stirred up so much discussion
about Jesus as the book and movie "The DaVinci Code", the
Christian side of society and the “I hope I’m a Christian”
sector has given Dan Brown and his creations publicity the
writer didn’t openly ask for. That same publicity attracted
the public into book stores and theaters like a magnet
attracting steal. Brown made millions on sales!

True enough the book raises a *lot* of fascinating historical
questions. But I am an amateur researcher and I have a mind
that digs into places and history people don’t often think
about. This uproar or conspiracy the book and movie covers
is not new. It has been around off and on for over a hundred

One thing I would like to point out about Da Vinci’s Last
supper painting we see in some many places is, it is a
problem either way a Christian looks at it. If that is Mary
Magdalene, that is a problem, it means Jesus may have been
married. But if it is John as many people say they believe,
we have another problem, and that means Da Vinci is say John
was very feminine. And the church and Christianity in general
would have a problem with John being a crossdresser. Right?

Quite frankly, I don’t care which is true or if neither is.
My point is, nothing can start the sparks flying like having
one’s belief and faith questioned. One well known minister
that has both a radio and TV program even has a CD out on the
book and movie. People get upset when their faith is challenged.

Scot McKnight, professional historian has a fascinating view
on this. He's a professor at North Park University in Chicago,
and he's written over 20 books. You can listen to Dr. McKnight's
talk here:

Courtesy: Perry Marshall CoffeeHouse Theology,
705 Jackson Boulevard Oak Park, Illinois USA 60304

Children's Imaginary Friends -- Real or Not?

The Unseen Playmate

When children are playing alone on the green,
In comes the playmate that never was seen.
When children are happy and lonely and good,
The Friend of the Children comes out of the wood.
Nobody heard him, and nobody saw,
His is a picture you never could draw,
But he's sure to be present, abroad or at home,
When children are happy and playing alone.
He lies in the laurels, he runs on the grass,
He sings when you tinkle the musical glass;
Whene'er you are happy and cannot tell why,
The Friend of the Children is sure to be by!
He loves to be little, he hates to be big,
'T is he that inhabits the caves that you dig;
'T is he when you play with your soldiers of tin
That sides with the Frenchmen and never can win.
'T is he, when at night you go off to your bed,
Bids you go to sleep and not trouble your head;
For wherever they're lying, in cupboard or shelf,
'T is he will take care of your playthings himself!

By: Robert Louis Stevenson

Friday, June 09, 2006

Some of My Cousins Have Asked About Me

Well, my book on Genesis is finished. Now I’m sitting here
reliving my past to put it in a book. Its likely to upset a
few, but if it does, they should realize there were times
during my life when I was upset and they just didn’t seem
to care.

My Mom tells me some of my cousins have asked about me and
asked why I don’t come around. One is the pastor of a church
out from Fairburn where I grew up. One is the piano player,
another I think is a deacon. I’m sure they would like to see
me, it has been a long time. Quite frankly, they didn’t want
me around when we were all kids. They made it obvious as to
how they felt. So, why should I go around them now? I’m sure
they haven’t forgotten the way they were back then, I haven’t.
And if they do remember those days, why haven’t they moved to
resolve the matter? Why does it fall my place to resolve the
matter? Or is this another one of those one sided things where
their hands are clean?