Tuesday, August 29, 2006

What Is That In The Dark Night Sky?

Have you ever looked into a night sky and wondered if
we are really alone? It seems with the countless billions
of stars out there, our earth being the only one with
life on it leaves an awful lot of wasted space. If we
are alone in this vast universe, why? If we are not
alone, why all the secrecy?

I have worked at night for over 20 years and have had
every chance to have seen something in a dark night sky.
I didn’t say I hadn’t, the fact is I have – and it was
not a plane. Or should I say – they were not planes? Did
I report the incidents to law enforcement? No I didn’t.
They know those mysteries are there. And why didn’t I
file reports you might ask. My answer to that would be
--- you try it and see how far you get and what happens.
And it is not the local law enforcement you need to worry

The American news media has blinded people to the fact
they are there. People have been mocked and prodded by
scores of people who make claims something is our there.
Fact is, we see on the evening news what those in charge
want us to see. They feed us a line and we swallow it,
hook, line, and sinker. No, the evening newscast doesn’t
tell us everything, they don’t even come close. If they
did, then the news would be full of the events taking place
around the world every day. Even Japan is alerting their
people of what they think is coming. Why isn’t the U.S.

The answers number greatly. But one is, they are afraid
they’ll lose influence over the people. And the truth is,
there are so many “Know-It-Alls” in our own country who
would laugh you into the ground. With the Macho attitude
they would display, would come the mockery of all of their
followers. Well, personally, I don’t think they would have
so many followers if people were well enough informed.

Nuff Said

X-Squared Radio

X-Squared Radio

Gods In The Garden - by Kevin W. Smith

Gods In The Garden - by Kevin W. Smith

Saturday, August 12, 2006

HOW TO SAVE PETROL: …an ancient secret?

HOW TO SAVE PETROL: …an ancient secret?

By: Jonathan Gray

The other day a man in South Africa emailed asking
HOW TO INCREASE CAR MILEAGE BY 85% - as I had hinted
in an article on ancient technology.

In case you’re also wondering, here is my reply to him.
In modern automobile tests, an ultrasonic reactor
attached to the carburetor almost doubled petrol mileage
with very little exhaust gas.(Click on the tittle to read)


A few weeks ago, a nephew was all excited about a
picture he had of a giant, “He was the tallest man
in the world”, He said. I tried to tell him, the 8-
foot giant he was so excited about wasn’t the tall-
est man in the world, and that there still may be
giants taller than that now. He wanted proof, but
I still don’t have his email address. On that note,
read the article below.

Click on the tittle and Read About The Giants

According to very numerous local reports, surviving
giants live inside the rainforest jungle mountain
ranges of Guadalcanal. They have vast cave systems
running the length of the entire island.

Australian Marius Boirayon, a retired helicopter
pilot/engineer who is married to a Solomon Islander,
has come across many Guadaleanal people who believe
these giants can travel from cast to west through
these cave systems without seeing the light of day.
It is believed that their population numbers in the