Monday, April 30, 2007

Internet Radio Is Under Attack

To Whom It May Concern:
(Internet addresses are provided below)

This is in response to the attack made on Internet Radio by
CARP. I have at this time, decided I will never buy another
CD by any artist YOU license or promote. This is due to your
greed expressed through CARP. If your establishment, industry
or office has so little disregard for me that you would take away
my personal freedom of Internet Radio, than your music, or
your client’s music is not welcome in my house and will not be
played on my computer, my radio, my stereo, or any other
device I own. I will not provide revenue for any one who threatens
to assault my freedom of choice.

I am not against any artist or composer being paid for their
work. However, I am against ANYONE telling me they are
going to shut down or threaten my source of news and

I am not against any artist or composer being paid for their
work. However, I am against ANYONE telling me they are
going to shut down or threaten my source of news and

Lee Pearce

For anyone else wanting to write them, here are their website





Saturday, April 21, 2007

Like Hiking The Fields?

Whether your just hiking or doing field experiments, you need
to keep a few things in mind, you are NOT at home in a recliner
watch your favorite TV program. When a person goes out into
the field or woodland hiking for pleasure or working, there are
a few things to remember. One, you are in somewhat of a
wilderness, not sitting in a nice, safe room looking at papers
or a computer screen. Remember that! Anything can happen
in the outdoors.

In today’s world, people usually hike on well prepared and
maintained trails. These trails are often patrolled by Rangers
or Game Wardens. But, what about the individuals that go
out where there are no maintained trails, no Rangers on
patrol, and where the chances of injury or being lost are

If you are out hiking in a field or the forest, or even just a
few feet from the highway, always remember to keep your
mind on what you are doing and your surroundings. Do not
let problems at work or at home or the angry person on the
highway that passed you and gave you, a one-fingered salute
distract you. Being outdoors in the woods can sometimes be
dangerous if you do not use common sense and think about
the objective, your hike, your photos, or field research.

If you park beside the highway as you begin your fieldwork
or hiking, pay attention to what is going on around you.
Always look around your feet when you are getting out of
the car or truck. Is the ground rocky or muddy? Are there
any wild dogs or snakes around you? Is there Ice on the
gravel or rocks? When you step into the tall grass, is there
really ground under the grass or some hole being hidden by
the grass. Take your time and look around thoroughly. Your
time out there is important to you or you wouldn’t be there,
so use all of your senses.

Look, Listen, and even smell. Many encounters with wild
creatures have been associated with strong and sometimes
foul smells. Next, before you walk into the grass or trees
know where you parked your car! This might sound odd,
but in the past, I have been on trips and came out of the
trees and brush almost ¼ of a mile from where I parked
my truck!

Always carry a compass in your pack and know which direc-
tion you are going away from your car. Then just go the
opposite direction on the way back and you should have no
trouble coming out of the trees close to where you entered
the woods.

TELL someone where you are going to be at and about when
you think you will be coming back. There are enough missing
person's reports without rescue teams having to add you to
the list. Cell phones do come in handy. A survival kit (small
one) is needed. Even if you are conducting an experiment or
doing a report in a High-rise building, or gated community,
always think ahead.

In the Woods, remember while you are out there in the woods,
even a grassy field, you will not always be able to see what is in
the grass. From a puddle of water to a rabbit hole, to a rotted
log you just happen to trip over. Stepping in water in February
is a sure way to put a damper your spirits. Wet feet will slow
you down every time, as well as blister your feet.

Always try to be in good physical shape. Walking up a steep
hillside is a big difference from walking in a parking lot. You
do not want to get out 5 miles from nowhere and have a heart
attack right. Think about what you will need. Water, snack,
Binoculars, note pad, video camera (and a back up camera in
case something happens to the first one). Are just a few things.
Do not wear sandals to go walking in snow or mud. Just use
your head and common sense and you will have a fantastic
experience that you can enjoy.

Stop every few minutes and look hard at where you are and
WHAT is happening around you. Don't always keep looking
at the ground, look around yourself. Don't let your emotions
or pride ruin what could be good quality time. So many times
pride has ruined a good field trip. Leave your anger and
worries at work and just enjoy the hike.

Don't try to be Superhuman in a bad situation. I have run
into some very difficult situations and went running to the
car or truck and locking myself in, is not something to be
ashamed of. Enjoy your time spent outdoors and be safe.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Apartment Life

We live in an apartment complex that has just been sold.
With the selling, came higher rent prices we didn’t like. It
seems the complex already charges the highest price on
rent south of Atlanta or at least in this county. Thank you
Olympic games! When the games came in, living expenses
went sky high all over Atlanta. Ask them to prove it didn’t.

However, we have decided to stick out for at least one more
year. We have a pretty good neighbor up front, Allan C.
who never bothers anyone. Never! And then …. we have
this twenty something year old teenager across from him
who thinks he has the right material to be a Rap Star. Not!
If he is going to try, I do wish he'd take lessons.

But I guess that’s a fact of life living in apartments. Quite
frankly, I like apartment living when things are going smooth,
even though I know the water will get choppy at the drop of
a hat. I don’t have the time to business to run and I want to
be sure I stay on top of things as much as possible. At least
for a while.

My wife likes soft rock, some Spanish (which I can’t under-
stand), and country music. She has one or two stations she
watches on TV of Gospel music. As far as myself, I’ve
become highly selective about what I watch and what I
listen to. Most of my music now is Classical, my TV shows
are mainly documentaries, CSI and Law And Order. I have
an interest in Hypnosis and what makes people tick. At one
time, I developed this fascination with totally confusing
people, still enjoy it. I listen to a lot of pod cast. I just love
my little player.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Back In The States And Lonely

You’ll have to buy my book to get the whole story, it’s a wide
variety a little of everything and a lot of it I guarantee you
has never crossed your mind. But being back in the states
and being lonely didn’t mean I went out to find the
companionship of another woman. I didn’t do that and
couldn’t agree with anyone that did. To me, marriage is not
the game some people act like it is, marriage is the love and
devotion two people have for each other that runs soul deep
…..or at least it should. The way I see it, if a guy is into playing
around, his best bet is to stay single. Don’t make the vows if
you don’t intend to keep them.

What’s that? What’s with all the “high-lighted” words here?
If you’re that curious, check out a few and see if you catch the
message. There is a message, several infact.

Anyway, back to my story.

I was lonely, I had left the Philippines and my new bride
behind. Needing to occupy my mind and make a little extra
money, I went back to ebaying. Ebay was a great way to
make a few extra dollars, if you didn’t have to put out a lot
of money on something to sell. But I had no clue as to what
to try selling. So, I began to dig into ebay’s sales page to see
what other people were doing. Up until now, it had been an
item here and an item there.

After a few days, I stumbled across a webpage selling wigs.
One thing I knew nothing at all about. But hey, they were
factory closeouts, they were dirt-cheap and all brand new.
I went back and did searches for wigs on ebay, they were
quite a few people selling them but at a lot higher price than
what I could get them for.

I put in a call to the company to ask them a few questions,
I asked about a minimum quantity I would have to order.
There was none, that sounded pretty good to me if I could
move them. Turn around time was about ten days, so I sent
in an order for five with a form for each one. When they
arrived, I wasted no time in putting them up to sell with
whatever information I had on them. I couldn’t believe it, at
the end of my auctions, every one I put up on ebay to sell
was sold and I had a tidy profit. I placed another order and
while I waited for that order to get back to me, I went
around to yard sales looking for something I thought might
sell. I made a few dry runs at that, but hey – I was learning.

I managed to do pretty well with those wigs for quite a while,
but when the sales stopped, it was without warning. People
were still selling some, but my sales had dropped like a rock
with an anchor attached to it. There I was, stuck with a half
dozen wigs and little hope of moving them.

Then I began to try something else, books from yard sales,
they did pretty good if I posted them cheap enough. I never
tried to sell tools, clothes, or electronics because I just didn’t
think I could move them and make a profit. Yard sale
merchandise is actually what kept me in ebay after the wigs
bottomed out, I made some good money, but then I’ve also
ended up with a lot of things I couldn’t move.

A good lesson I learned was, try to have another outlet for
the things you get that don’t sell well on ebay, don’t price
everything at store prices. People go to ebay for a good bar-
gain, if they see a store price on what you’ve posted, they’ll
pass you by. Keep the prices low, ad some zip to your ad
titles, have good clear pictures, mention every little thing
you can about the item. Offer to answer any questions
prospective customers might have, and I’ve had some real
zingers. A digital camera is a great tool, but so is a scanner.
If the item is too small, the camera doesn’t catch the great-
est details. On a lot of books, CD’s, VHS tapes, I use the
scanner to scan the cover; they usually come out really clear.
On electronic items, I sometimes use a showdow box, more
about that later. It's not very complicated and its free info.

I’ll get into ebooks on my next posting maybe. Money in the

There is only one way to find out how good you’ll do, that
is to try it.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Leaving On A Jet Plane

Marsha Flew back to Manila with me, and as a type of
entertainment, the hostess had this game to play with
passengers. It was singing the lines to “Leaving On A
Jet Plane”, which go like this:

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go
I'm standin' here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye

But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn
The taxi's waitin', he's blowin' his horn
Already I'm so lonesome I could die

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I'll tell you now, they don't mean a thing

Every place I go,
I think of youEvery song
I sing, I sing for you

When I come back
I'll wear your wedding ring
So kiss me and smile for me

Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane

I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go ......

That song sure hit close to home ...... and heart.

That plane ride was easier to endure than the next because
she was with me. Leaving the airport in Manila would be an
all together different story. As I got on that plane, my heart
sank. I had fallen in love and married a Philippine beauty, and
had to leave her behind. That did not sit well. I felt like life
shouldn’t be so complicated.

Next time, I'll tell you about how I spent my time after
returning to the states. I'll tell you now, I wasn't partying
around. Nope, never did before, wasn't about to now.

Till then .....