Monday, October 02, 2006

Genesis 1–1 Hidden In Plain Sight

Here are some things you probably haven’t read
before. This what Genesis really says according
to Strong’s Bible Concordance. Between my brac-
kets is what Strong’s says. Strangely enough,
this is also what the ancient Hebrew text says.

Genesis 1

[1] In the beginning [first, beginning] God
[plural, gods.] created [to create, shape, form,
to shape, fashion, create.] the heaven [heaven,
heavens, sky, visible heavens, as abode of the
stars, as the visible universe, the sky, atmos-
phere, etc] and [sign of the definite direct
object, not translated in English but generally
preceding and indicating the accusative ] the
earth [land, earth, whole earth (as opposed to
a part), earth (as opposed to heaven), earth

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