Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Are You Ruled By Your T.V.?

Studies shown that too much television causes marked memory
loss. France has banned French T.V. channels from airing pro-
gramming aimed at children younger than three years of age.
And, in the U.S., more and more reality shows with little or no
content come out every season. What ever happened to reading
a good book?

By Keith Shaw

Copyright (c) 2008 Mind Body Spirit Central, LLC

In a recent program on National Public Radio, Robert F.
Kennedy, Jr. talked about how in the U.S., the public knows
more about “events” like the results of “American Idol” (on
the 10 or 11 p.m. news!) and celebrity “news gossip” (insert
name of celebrity here) than they do about public and social
concerns, not only those in the U.S. but also around the world.

In fact, the U.S. major “news” outlets (e.g., C.N.N., MSNBC,
Fox) spend more airtime recycling and regurgitating the celeb-
rity “news” that they do on any other story (e.g., Paris Hilton’s
jail woes in 2007). And, more and more reality shows with little
or no content come out every season…

Yes, it is the “dumbing” down of the U.S. public.

This phenomenon is not limited to the United States. Studies in Aus-
tralia have also shown that too much television causes marked memory
loss. The researchers believe that passive television viewing does not
intellectually stimulate the brain or mind. In fact, most shows do not
stimulate critical thinking.

And, on 21 August 2008, in a report by Christine Ollivier of the Asso-
ciated Press, France (yes the country) has banned French T.V.
channels from airing programming aimed at children younger than
three years of age. For foreign programs that are offered on cable,
a warning message will be broadcast at the beginning of each show!
(wow, just like a package of cigarettes!) Health experts have stated
that “Television viewing hurts the development of children under
three years old. Risks include slow language acquisition and develop-
ment, over-excitedness, troubles with CONCENTRATION and more”.

Yet, children continue to spend on average up to 4 hours per day
watching television according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.
In comparison, they spend on average ONLY 2 hours and 14 minutes
PER WEEK studying and doing school work (USA Today Weekend

What’s more, children who watch too much television are more
likely to be overweight and obese. And if your child watches 3 to 4
hours of television per day, he will have seen about 8,000 murders
(!) on T.V. by the time he finishes grade school. In comparison, the
average American adult watches nearly five hours of television per
day (A.C. Nielsen).

And, obesity is on the rise in adults as well. According to the CDC,
only four states (Colorado, Hawaii, Connecticut and Vermont) had
obesity prevalence rates below 20 percent, while 17 states had pre-
valence rates equal to or above 25 percent. In a recent BBC America
program on health and wellness, in the U.K. obesity is approaching
25% of the population.

So what can you do? Well...turn off the television and begin to use
tools that can develop your mind in a positive and productive manner!
And, the good news is that there are many great self-improvement
systems in print that have content on how your can develop your
mental powers of concentration, thinking and more. In addition, there
are many that give you the strategies to improve your positive, quality
INTERPERSONAL (i.e., face-to-face) communication with others, that
can lead to wealth, prosperity and abundance in your life. In fact, if you
look at many successful people today, you will see that they are master

In addition, look for resources that show you how know to use the tools
of consciousness and wisdom to find the spiritual power within you.
The goal of which is to become less focused on “the Self” and more
focused on the truth that will lead you to happiness. Communication
with others will be improved, and the doors to a life of abundance will
open for you.

MOTIVATE yourself and take time to develop your mind and spirit.
Turn off the television. And even take some time away from the iPod
and Blackberry. Put them aside. Don’t worry, they will still be there
waiting for you.

Every action you take defines your life. Wake up, become aware and
take action today to make your mind “sharp as a tack”.

Keith A. Shaw, President of .
Headquartered in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, He is the author and
creator of "The Power Of Thought", and "The Power Of Concentra-
tion" Motivation and Success Systems, along with "The Power Of
Serenity And Peace" Spirituality and Happiness System.

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Don't Like Your Job?

Don't like the company you work for, but like your job? Strike out on
your own and start a business at home doing what you love.

By William Drapcho

Do you hate your job? Do you have what it takes to start your own busi-
ness? Millions of people hate their jobs but don’t have the guts to quit
and start their own businesses. Self employment ideas are all around you
and you probably don’t even realize it. There are hundreds of ideas that
you can use to start your own business and be successful but if you don’t
know what to look for, you can’t make that decision to be your own boss.

Let’s start with the most obvious self employment ideas. What job do you
do right now? Would you be happy doing that job if you did it for yourself?
Do you hate the job or just the company that you work for? If you hate
the company you work for but love the job itself, maybe you can go off on
your own and start a business doing that job. Whether it’s customer serv-
ice or an adminstrative position, you can find ways to do that job yourself.
Ideas like this are endless. The technical field is another field that can har-
vest many types of businesses from the one position you work now. Many
businesses hire assistants that work from home, or virtual customer serv-
ice reps, book keepers, and others. Usually you can make a more money
doing these jobs for yourself, and working from home than you can work-
ing in an office for someone else or a large company.

There are still hundreds of other self employment ideas you can try if
you hate the job itself and you want to find something entirely different.
Open a business online selling stuff if you have retail experience. Or, if
you don’t have something in mind that you want to do, invest in an multi
level marketing business system with an established business and start
selling. Millions of people every year get rich from selling online, because
internet retail is a booming industry. But if that still doesn’t interest you,
don’t despair. If you are creative and focused, you will think of a great
idea. Chances are good that you will find a way that you can make money
doing what you love. Write tutorials and put lessons on video and post
them online, if you like playing musical instruments. Sell ebooks about
things that you like to write about. There are tutorials you can find on-
line that teach you how to write ebooks. Blogging can also be very luc-
rative if you get into the right niche market. Blog about customer serv-
ice, personal finances, business finances, gardening, or any other subject
you feel you are an expert at. Some people have worked themselves up
to making six figures a year spending their days blogging online, after
building an online presence and a good following.

Sit down and make a list of the subjects you are good at, interested in, or
want to be interested in. This will then become your list for your poten-
tial online business. Then narrow that list down to half. Go to your family
and friends and ask their opinion about these potential online businesses.
Sometimes an objective view can help you make your final decision on
which business to promote.

William Drapcho is the owner of and writes
on a variety of subjects.

Automated Income And Natural Resources

Ever think about the depletion of natural resources and how it impacts
home business? This article specifically talks about how having an auto-
mated income will keep you ahead of oncoming trends.

By Hugh Reavis

When cruising around the net looking for automated income opportu-
nities it is easy to find the promises that different sites will make. They
sell the dream of financial independence. The ability to cast off the shack-
les of the work-a-day world and enjoy the freedom and flexibility that
you deserve.

It’s easy to buy into this dream because it’s attractive and can be done.
Automated income can be accomplished. There are more practical rea-
sons to start a home business. The world is running out of resources,
particularly oil.

Now, I am not asserting some sort of doomsday or Mad Max type of
scenario. What I do expect is that the cost of getting from one place to
the next is going to continue to trend higher. This will not only effect
the cost of gas, but the cost of everything that uses petroleum products.
This includes things that most people never even consider. Things like
anything plastic, fertilizer for our farms, and the heat for many of our
homes. In fact, there are thousands of commercial applications for pert-
roleum products. Most of the commercial applications are beyond our

Peak Oil is the theory that there is a point in time where the maximum
amount of oil taken out of the ground will peak. After this point has been
reached extraction will fall into a terminal decline. Peak Oil theory was
created by geologist M King Hubbert. He accurately predicted that oil
production in the United States would peak by the late 1960s. Regard-
less of your belief in that theory, it’s hard to argue that there is a limit-
less supply of oil.

American will also have to contend with increased competition for a limi-
ted resource. There are rapidly growing economies in Asia, particularly
those in India and China. This increased competition will cause prices to
trend higher.

So what does that mean? Obviously it will be more expensive to drive.
Even if you make the argument for alternative fuels, gasoline isn’t going
away anytime soon. Potentially there could be a shift toward more tele-
commuting. Perhaps even a population shift away from the outer suburbs
and back to more urban centers. Regardsless of what you believe about
consumption, there will be a change in the way we live.

So how do you adapt? It’s easy to accept that emergence of the internet
has changed all of our lives. There is access to information that I could not
even dream of when I was growing up in the 1980s. The internet has
enabled the rapid expansion of the work at home industry.

If you choose carefully and look for proven and tested opportunities, you
can stay ahead of the curve. Having an automated income won’t stop the
cost of living from going up. It will give you extra income to stay ahead
of the curve. Automated Income is possible. You do deserve success.
Following your dream of financial independence will keep you ahead of
the peak oil curve.

To learn how to launch 6 different automated affiliate income streams in
24 hours, visit:

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Work At Home To Bring In A Second Income

Work At Home To Bring In A Second Income From Internet Marketing

The cost of living is getting harder and harder for families to manage their
budget. This article gives suggestions for you to make a second income
from home and do it so that you are still in the family environment. Inter-
net earning opportunities are almost endless so you are sure to find some-
thing that you enjoy, and that is important in any earning capacity.

By Kaye Dennan

Bring in a second income can make all the difference to a happy lifestyle.
Most people earning a second income do it away from home, but today
you can work at home and still make those extra dollars to help the family
budget. The internet has huge opportunities for a second income and it is
just a matter of searching the opportunites to help you do that.

Earning a second income is a thought that often makes a busy person
cringe. Just the very thought of being locked away in another office or
factory is not one that most people enjoy.

Planning For The Future. When economic times are more challenging
people really start being concerned about the future and how their budget
is going to handle the higher costs. It is quite a worry to see everyday
necessities rising in price.

What is being suggested here, is to start developing a second income that
can be worked from home so that you are still around the family and away
from the ‘rat race’. The focus in this discussion is going to be around the
opportunities that abound on the internet.

Set Up A Business On The Internet. If you set up a business on the internet
it is quite possible for it to be worked as a team. The team could be any
combination of two members of a family or even two friends. You may even
be a parent and uni student wanting to bring in extra income.

The beauty of the internet is that, as in the case of parent/uni student, the
work could be done in two different locations, or you could have two people
working on the internet at home and get twice the amount of work done in
half the space of time.

Organisation is the key to being a successful team at this. One job for one,
and another job for the other, both with clear goals as to what they are to
do to achieve the end result.

It may be that one would be a good researcher and the other would be a
good marketer.

By working as a team you could most likely be putting in about 10-15
hours a week between you quite comfortably. Over time, as you get
known, those hours could build up a very substantial second income.

You Don’t Need Fantastic Computer Skills To Make This Work. Basic-
ally, when working on the internet the world is your oyster!

If you are not very competent with the computer don’t let that hold
you back. It really doesn’t take long to learn the basics, and you prob-
ably know someone you could ring if you had any problems anyway.

As long as you save your work as you go, most other problems can be
sorted quite easily. To learn basic computer skills takes a little bit of
trial and error and a little bit of patience, and sometimes even a lot of
patience! Truly though, as long as you are saving your work as you go,
you really will not have too many problems picking up the necessary
skills to run even a small “business”.

If you need money reasonably quickly you could learn how to earn
commissions from affiliate marketing and you could go to to learn how to do this. There are many other sites that
promote affiliate marketing and it would be easy to find one to suit
you. Online selling is a fast growing opportunity as more and more
businesses are learning to see that as a strong market source.

If you have the time to build up your income, or are looking for a more
passive income you could look at writing ebooks, articles or blogs for
other people. This may be a skill you need to improve, but all of these
are great if you like writing.

Don’t delay though, if you are looking to earn that second income and
do it from the comfort of working at home, the money is there once
you have learnt the skills. A second income could be yours in no time
at all.

Making a second income from the internet can be a little frustrating
at first, but very soon it will happen. There are many ways to do it an
we put ideas together for you in "A Guide To Working At Home" so
go right here

Article republished from Copy & Paste Articles

Work At Home Message Boards - How Do You Use Them?

Many work at home message boards exist to discuss ways to succeed
in this business, but the information on them varies. Some advice is
helpful, and some can actually leave you worse off than you were before
encountering the message board. Be sure to think before taking an
unknown person's advice.

By Brian McCoy

There are countless work at home message boards online filled with
experienced people giving advice and others wanting to take that advice.
However, you have to be discerning as to what advice you choose to take.

Keep in mind that most of the information posted on these message
boards is not necessarily fact. Certain ways of doing things may have
worked for one person, but it may not work for everyone. Rules will be
varied based on the type of business, the ownership, and even location.
Posters on these message boards may mean well, but sometimes they
simply got lucky. Just because they had success with the way they
handled their business, does not mean that everyone will have that
same success.

While most posters on work at home message boards are good, quality
people, there are those bad apples too. There are actually people on the
message boards who will prey on the newbies and try to potentially
scam them.

Keep in mind that no known legitimate business opportunity will ask for
large sums of money upfront without a useful product or service
included. In this situation, the only person that will benefit is the one
extending the offer.

It may be difficult then to decide who you can and cannot trust for advice
on a message board. A good theory to stick to is how long the poster has
been on the message board and how long they have been in business. A
beginner giving out advice can be problematic for obvious reasons.

Also, look at how long the advice has been posted on the board, and read
all the comments to it. If several others claim that the advice has been
helpful to them, then it is probably good advice. Likewise, posters will
warn others if the advice does not work.

Overall, the majority of people want to be helpful to new business owners
as they were once there themselves. However, there are some people out
there who want to make money off unsuspecting people, and there are
also vindictive people online who would like to hurt your chances of
succeeding. While they are in the minority, you must be aware that they
do exist, which is why you should take much of the advice you receive
online with a grain of salt.

To learn more about Brian McCoy and
How To Use Work At Home Message Boards, visit his Big Ticket To Wealth
website. About the Author: Brian McCoy is an industry leading internet
marketer and President and CEO of McCoy Marketing Group. His mission
is to develop leaders into full time home business entrepreneurs.

Article from Copy & Paste Articles – find quality content for your blog or

Starting Your Own Home Based Business

One of the best ways to make money is to start your own home
based business. This brings up the question however, what is a
good home business to start? In this article, let's look at the two
main things that should be the determining factor for you when
picking your business model.

An important consideration to bear in mind when looking at
home internet businesses is what is a good home based business
for you to start? This sounds like a straightforward question, but
the best answer will vary considerably for different people. So
how do you begin to decide what factors are important in coming
up with your own answer?

1. Starting a home business online will allow you to harness the
huge potential of internet marketing, allowing you to earn sub-
stantial amounts of money. Using automatic systems is a vital
part in your ability to make money with your home based business.
This is the magic part of home internet marketing.

The ability to automate many business tasks is the equivalent of
having employees working for you, and suits people who may only
be able to run a home business part time. There are different ways
that you can automate your internet home business to maximize
the time you are spending on it everyday.

For example you can use an auto responder and build a mailing list
automatically. An important element help you to your success is to
have a frequently asked questions page on your site. This gives you
the option to divert any queries to the page, freeing up the amount
of time you need to respond to email queries.

You can set up many of your advertising functions online such as
traffic exchanges, article marketing, and forum marketing and so
on. The advantage to this is you are constantly able to drive traffic
to your website even when you are not online working.

2. The other thing we want to mention about what is a good home
based business to start would be choosing something that interests
you. You should at least start out enthusiastic about your project,
as you will be spending a lot of time and commitment each day to
get things going smoothly.

As a result, finding an area that you have a passion for, such as a
hobby, is an important factor in getting you started with the correct
amount of enthusiasm. If you don’t have products to sell right away
you can join affiliate programs and make money as an affiliate

You have all you need to get going along with the required products!
You will still need to develop certain business skills, but now you
have already a grounding in the knowledge required, and your passion
for this niche will show up in how you approach all aspects of your own
home based business.

These are two ideas to keep in mind on what is a good home based
business for you to start. The Internet is fantastic, because you can
get started right away, and when you combine this with the simplicity
of affiliate marketing products you can literally be up and running in a
matter of minutes.

Alan Thomas runs a successful internet marketing business which
helps many people develop their own work from home business. You
can find more information on Start A Home Based Business and
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