Monday, August 25, 2008

Automated Income And Natural Resources

Ever think about the depletion of natural resources and how it impacts
home business? This article specifically talks about how having an auto-
mated income will keep you ahead of oncoming trends.

By Hugh Reavis

When cruising around the net looking for automated income opportu-
nities it is easy to find the promises that different sites will make. They
sell the dream of financial independence. The ability to cast off the shack-
les of the work-a-day world and enjoy the freedom and flexibility that
you deserve.

It’s easy to buy into this dream because it’s attractive and can be done.
Automated income can be accomplished. There are more practical rea-
sons to start a home business. The world is running out of resources,
particularly oil.

Now, I am not asserting some sort of doomsday or Mad Max type of
scenario. What I do expect is that the cost of getting from one place to
the next is going to continue to trend higher. This will not only effect
the cost of gas, but the cost of everything that uses petroleum products.
This includes things that most people never even consider. Things like
anything plastic, fertilizer for our farms, and the heat for many of our
homes. In fact, there are thousands of commercial applications for pert-
roleum products. Most of the commercial applications are beyond our

Peak Oil is the theory that there is a point in time where the maximum
amount of oil taken out of the ground will peak. After this point has been
reached extraction will fall into a terminal decline. Peak Oil theory was
created by geologist M King Hubbert. He accurately predicted that oil
production in the United States would peak by the late 1960s. Regard-
less of your belief in that theory, it’s hard to argue that there is a limit-
less supply of oil.

American will also have to contend with increased competition for a limi-
ted resource. There are rapidly growing economies in Asia, particularly
those in India and China. This increased competition will cause prices to
trend higher.

So what does that mean? Obviously it will be more expensive to drive.
Even if you make the argument for alternative fuels, gasoline isn’t going
away anytime soon. Potentially there could be a shift toward more tele-
commuting. Perhaps even a population shift away from the outer suburbs
and back to more urban centers. Regardsless of what you believe about
consumption, there will be a change in the way we live.

So how do you adapt? It’s easy to accept that emergence of the internet
has changed all of our lives. There is access to information that I could not
even dream of when I was growing up in the 1980s. The internet has
enabled the rapid expansion of the work at home industry.

If you choose carefully and look for proven and tested opportunities, you
can stay ahead of the curve. Having an automated income won’t stop the
cost of living from going up. It will give you extra income to stay ahead
of the curve. Automated Income is possible. You do deserve success.
Following your dream of financial independence will keep you ahead of
the peak oil curve.

To learn how to launch 6 different automated affiliate income streams in
24 hours, visit:

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