Saturday, February 10, 2007

How much TV do you watch?

Your mindset is in fact, your unconscious, and yet it
drives every action and reaction you make whether
you realize it or not, and the results show in whatever
profession you are involved with as well as your life.
There has been a boatload of talk about mindsets in
recent years, but very few people know what they
are and even less know how to address and change

In a nutshell, your mindset is your mental programm-
ing, and to a very large extent, we are all programmed
and being programmed everyday by the society we
live in, our surroundings, where we work, by the people
we associate with, and where we worship. Our mindset
is determined by the combination of all these
experiences and more. Our values, beliefs, self-image,
attitudes, and habits that are lodged in our unconscious
mind form our mindset. They determine every action,
reaction, and every result we have in our life. You can
typically double or triple your results by dealing with
the very causality that forms the foundation of our
mindset. I have witnessed this time and time again,
and I’ve personally experienced it in my own life.

Whatever we tell ourselves over and over, it leaves
an imprint on our subconscious mind much like the
grooves of a record. The same thing keeps repeating,
and repeating and our results never change. Have
you ever heard the old saying, “If you keep doing
what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what
you’ve always gotten?” That is very much the truth.

Every time we turn on the TV, we are bombarded by
commercial after commercial with the fast paced
“Lettering”, the “Flashing” of images on the screen.
Now, think about all of those commercials you see
everyday or night and ask yourself how the commercial
may have influenced your thinking. Bet you have to
admit, it did at least a little bit. What if you watch that
same commercial over and over again, how deep in
your subconscious mind did it leave an impression?

All of this has been proven to leave subliminal
messaging on our subconscious mind. This subliminal
messaging does work. If you have any doubts, watch
someone suck on a lemon and see what goes through
your mind. Sit down to relax, turn the TV on and see
a commercial about someone quenching a thirst, then
see if you suddenly become thirsty. Watch someone
yawn, how much time passed before you yawned

Think about the last song you heard on the radio.
Was it a happy song, or was it a song of “Deep, dark
depression”? What did the song have to say that was
positive? Did the singer sing of a divorce, did they
sing of losing every thing they had? Did the singer
sing about getting drunk, on drugs, owing more than
they could pay, or some impeding disaster? What did
the words of the song say to you? How many times
have you heard that same song, and what impression
did it leave on your subconscious mind? Did it leave
you with a feeling of comfort, or a feeling of despair?
Did the song leave you feeling good about life, your
family, did you rejoice or did it leave you feeling
numb? What did you feel after you listened to the

If I tell you not to think about your bills, what do
you end up thinking about? If I say something like,
“Gee, you sure look down in the dumps today”,
what effect does it have on you? If you happen to
see someone at work you are not particularly fond
of, but tolerate, how does it make you feel? Like it
or not, we are all mentally programmed everyday
by someone or some thing. If we don’t get control
of what goes into our subconscious mind, whatever
goes in will get control of us. Now, doesn’t this make
you want to pay a little more attention to what you
listen too? It does me.

And I’ll leave it on that note till next time.

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