Friday, March 02, 2007

Do You Drink Carbonated Soft Drinks?

I’ll ask the question again, “Do you drink carbonated soft
drinks?” if you do, maybe you would like to try this little
experiment with one. All you’ll need is a pint jar with a
screw on top that can be resealed. Any glass pint jar that
fits the description with do. You’ll need note pad, a hotdog
wiener, and of course a cola type carbonated soft drink.

Now, pour the soft drink into the jar and be sure to leave
at least two inches of space between the soft drink and the
top of the jar. Add the whole wiener to the jar, screw the
top back on. Now, over the next few hours watch what
happens and make your notes. You just might find your-
self not believing your eyes.

One thing is for sure, you will never look at one of them
in the same way again.

Hey, check out my ebay at

Catch ya later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did a modified version of this and believe me....IT'S PRETTY DISGUSTING. The experiment is done. I hope to get the results posted this weekend.
Love ya, Daddy