Saturday, March 11, 2006

Genesis 7

[Now, think about this. With modern day technology (and I’m
sure there is a lot we wouldn’t even dream of), a specific group
(maybe scientific group) of people could store away precious
DNA in a specially prepared vault. And later on when they
reached their destination (or returned here after the danger
had passed) they could engineer new life forms from that same

[1] And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house
into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this
[2] Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the
male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the
male and his female.
[3] Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to
keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.
[4] For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth
forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I
have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.
[A forty day flight through space with technology salvaged from
an Alien space craft. How far could they travel, and at what speed?]

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