Tuesday, March 07, 2006

THOUGHTS For March 6, 2006

I’ve noticed for a long time now, that society wasn’t exactly
right in a lot of ways. Society (the dictatorship of the people)
dictates what one should, think, believe, and act like. Then if
someone comes along that doesn’t quite fit into that mold,
they are branded (usually as being something they are not),
marked as an undesirable outcast, and in many cases end up
fearing for their life.

Where I live here in Newnan, there is a local church group that
stands on the road at the nearby Wal-Mart Supercenter every
year during the warm weekends holding their "Hate" rallies.
The signs they carry put down the very ones they should be
reaching out too (if they love God as they say they do). Instead
of reaching out to them, they fill young impressionable minds
with hate toward other people causing them (the younger
generation) to react in violence toward people they don’t even
know. And just think, they do this in the name of their god. I
have no use for any such hate groups, whether they are church
oriented or otherwise.

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