Tuesday, July 25, 2006

How To Break In A New Lock

My wife has started her new job working at a new store.
She and a co-worker applied for a job there at about the
same time, they were hired at the same time. So far,
they have been working together at this store like they
did at the last store they worked at.

At the new store they have lockers where they didn’t at
the last store she worked at. While Marcie and I were
shopping this past week, we picked up two padlocks. One
for Marcie, and one for her friend Alma.

Sunday at work they tried them out. Marcie didn’t take
her purse, her friend Alma did. Marcie’s key was in her
pocket. Her friend put her keys in her purse, put the
purse in her locker, and snapped the lock. The lock
worked fine, only problem now was how to get her purse
out of the locker.

When Alma realized what she had done, she called her
husband, Barnie, to bring something to cut the lock
off with. When he came to pick her up after work, he
brought a hacksaw to cut the brand new lock off the
locker with. No dice, the hacksaw didn’t work. He
should have brought a bolt cutter. She had to leave
her purse in the locker, which contained her wallet,
cell phone, and keys. And those were not the highest
priced locks Wal-Mart had. Maybe we should have gotten
a plastic lock for her. What you think?

'nuff said

Castaway Lee

Sunday, July 23, 2006

What’s On TV?

I’m more than a little peeved about Yahoo’s TV
Guide. Are Ya listening Yahoo? I used to be able
to go in and see what’s coming on with no hassle.
There was no sign in, no worries and in a few
seconds, “Bingo”. Tonight it wasn’t that simple.
I went to the bookmark and what happens? Yoho
wants me to sign in before I can see what’s on
the boob tube. Well, I did and guess what …… I
got in alright. BUT, it didn’t give me what I
wanted. What it did give me was a few misses
and slots where it should have shown programming
it simply stated “Local Programming.”

There has been a problem with them for some time
like having to type in some stupid code word be-
fore you can forward and email. I have had to do
it when I send my own family a note. They say
it’s to cut back on spamming. Okay, so why do I
still get hundreds of spam mails every week? Can
you tell I’m a little upset? Good!

‘nuff said

the Remote Castaway

A Conversation With Cousin

While Momma was in the hospital, I called a cousin
of mine I haven’t spoken with in years. Momma had
gotten her phone number from somewhere a couple of
weeks ago, I got it from her and put it in my phone.
Then, the day after Momma broker her hip, I gave
Cathy a call.

It was good to hear her voice. We talked for several
minutes, reminiscing, and talking about other rela-
tives. I discovered during our conversation, we both
probably have some of the same unanswered questions
regarding our relatives. Though she didn’t say so,
she probably relishes her privacy away from others
as much as I do. Or else, she would live within a
stone’s throw. I will say, I enjoyed talking with a
member from my Mom’s side of the family better than
I believe I would have from my dad’s side. And that’s
all I’ll say about that for now.

Nuff’ Said

The Remote Castaway

Momma Is Out Of The Hospital And In Rehab

As you can see from my last post, my mother has
been in the hospital after having broken her hip.
She had to have hip surgery to replace her broken
bone with an artificial one. Since she has been
recovering, we have been pretty busy. Well, yes-
terday she was admitted into Newnan Rehab where
she’ll be for two to three weeks at least. I’ll
update this little by little as time goes by.

I did have the opportunity to speak with a dis-
patcher from where I work yesterday. Her name
is Narda (not native to this country, but grew
up here), she said her mother broke her hip at
the age of 71 a few years ago. She told me it
took her mother about six months recovering, but
now she pretty well goes where she pleases. So,
my hopes are up that Momma will fully recover
and be just fine.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Broken Bones

I was being lazy Sunday morning (July 15, 2006),
Marcie was at work and I had been at relaxing and
listening to some Sweet Liberty Radio on the Internet
with Alan Watt. After a while, I decided to lay back
down for a little shuteye. I wasn’t all that sleepy
(I didn’t think), just wanted to stretch out a little
while. Then the phone rang, I started to get up to
answer it and almost fell on my face. Even though my
eyes were open, my head wasn’t all that clear as if I
had just wakened from some hard sleeping.

It was Mark calling (my brother’s eldest son), he was
at Bobby’s (my brother) and Momma’s. He said Momma had
fallen again and that they had called an ambulance.

He said, he was in the living room with Momma along
about 9:30 AM, while he was looking over some pictures
he heard a blunder behind him. He turned around and
Momma was lying on the floor. Her bad leg had given
way and she had fallen.

At the hospital we found out she had broken her hip at
the joint. The ball that fits into the hipbone socket
had been broken off. They would have no choice but to
replace that part of the bone with an artificial bone
(metal). She would remain at the hospital for a few
days, then be moved to a rehabilitation center.

She is doing better now, though she is worried about
her garden. The Lord smiled on her and watered it good
last night. My brother said they had gotten a fraction
over a half inch of rain.

More Later

Monday, July 17, 2006

Gods in the Garden

You aren't who you thought you were, and you
didn't get here the way you thought you did.
Getyour copy of this phenomenal book today!
Written by Kevin Smith of the Kevin Smith Show.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Need A Hair Cut? Well, That’s Your Business, Not Mine.

I was born in N.W. Alabama to a severely countrified
couple. Dad was from one type of church, Mom from
another. Both were set in their ways and beliefs and
usually those beliefs were a lot different to what
mine would be. Can’t help it, some of the things you
hear in this family just plain don’t make sense. Let
some member of my dad’s family do something he might
think is a little improper and he would let it slid.
Let me try it and I would end up on the carpet or at
the wrong end of his belt.

Mom on the other hand, never whipped me, but she
would talk to me. I didn’t say I would see it her way
every time, but it was much more civil with her.
Where my dad left anger and hurt feelings behind, Mom
and I ended the conversation satisfied we had both
aired our views without yelling, hurting feelings, or
creating painful memories that would never heal. Dad
preached a lot, read his Bible a lot, but as far as
being a model image I would want to live by – forget
it. I can’t think of anyone in his family I can say I
was ever close too.

My dad made a lasting impression on me during my younger
years. The truth is, I made a vow I would never be like
him. When I was a child, I knew what I wanted to be and
what I wanted to do when I got older. That dream was des-
troyed because of where we live and my dad’s hard hand.
On the other hand, my mom tried to encourage me to follow
that dream years later. But the truth is, I don’t have
the drive now to do what I wanted to when I was young.
The events of my life, the memories behind me, and what
they did to my dreams have robbed me of something I want-
ed so much I could literally taste it.

I was over at my folk’s house today helping my brother
with a porch to a shed. It was hot and the heat soon
caught up with us. An innocent remark my mom made about
me needing a hair cut somehow brought something back to
mind my dad would have said if he were still alive. I know
she didn’t mean anything by it, but had my dad said it –
it would have been a different matter. My dad’s people
are some of the nosiest people on earth. They did and do
go out of their way to stick their nose where it doesn’t

Nuff’ Said

The Remote Castaway

Friday, July 14, 2006

Bullied Children

I’m going to side step here for just a little while
to talk about “Bullied Children”. I know what bullied
children go through, I was one. Bullying can leave a
mark on you that will last a life time. It has on me.

A bullied child will never forget the names of those
who bullied them. Many can’t or wont let go of those
painful events that stole their precious childhood. If
the bullies came out and openly asked forgiveness, that
would help. But, the wounds they left in the child they
bullied will never be completely healed. They will
always be there.

Over the past months, I have been working on a book about
my childhood, telling my story as detailed as possible.
It is not a pretty story, but sometimes I find it helps.
Its away I have of fighting those painful memories. The
story tells the first painful event that I remember, and
continues on up into my teenage years. It tells of the
tears, the beatings, the faults accusations and much, much
more. The places are real, the people are real, and the
teachers that pay attention to what was going on are real
as well.

As my writing the story helps me, I suggest anyone, any
child who has been or who is currently being bullied to sit
down and write out their story. Put their story in print,
maybe let others know what you go through. It could save
another defenseless the pain and agony of what you have to
deal with. I plan to write more on this in the coming days,
weeks, maybe months. I truly hope the name of the reader
doesn’t appear here.

If I publish my book, if I sell my book …. Then you’ll know
where and how the name Castaway Lee originated. I was a cast-
away, I became a loner, and to a very large extent, I still

The Remote Castaway

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Conservative Radio Host Won’t Discuss Controversial News Story on Show

I just ran across this on Kevin Smith’s website. Here
is the reason you don’t hear a lot of the real juicy
stuff on radio. Many of the talk show hosts that have
the most coverage on the airwaves are just plain scared
to get on the subject, or they think the same junk the
evening newscasters need help keeping blinders on the
public. Its kind of like the grip society has on you,
you claim you are a free thinker, but your action prove
you are not.

A big time host here in Atlanta never mentions UFO’s or
the paranormal, but he is constantly spreading his views
regarding politicians, taxes, government schools and so
on. Question, is a talk show host who refuses to get on
the subjects of the paranormal and better than the even-
ing news they downgrade so much?

Nothing On The Radio

I don’t usually get into politics or sports here, I
don’t in my personal life. But, I will right now
because I’m still fuming. A few nights ago when I was
on my way home from work, I turned on the radio to
hopefully be entertained a little on my drive. But
with at least twenty stations on the AM band, all I
could pull in was either politics or sports.

I turned to FM 1, all I heard was music (which I get
enough of otherwise), and it the same went for FM 2.
I usually enjoy listening to talk radio, but when the
only thing the host wants to talk about is politics,
I’m turned off. My only other choices were music or
sports. I was not in the mood for music and I’m not a
sports fan. Has talk radio about to hit the mud?

Think about it, there were at least eight AM stations
in Atlanta with good reception that night, and half
were on politics, the other half were on sports. Why?
Do these station managers not realize there are people
out there who Do Not enjoy this stuff?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Two Masters of Talk Radio May 28, 2006 Interview

Tonight at work, I listened to a broadcast where
Dr. Brooks Agnew interviewed world famous talk
show host, Kevin Smith.
The subject was mainly
regarding Smith’s book, “Gods In The Garden”.
This was one terrific show.

As the two masters of talk radio talked, the sub-
jects crossed over many things I had noticed in
the Bible myself. Those being; The two creations
of man, more than one cataclysm, gods in the
plural and many more. I could have listened to
this subject almost all night long, but my player
wouldn’t have held that volume.

I guess I first noticed the big difference in the
story in Genesis and what I’ve heard all of my
life back about the middle of 2005 when I started
taking the chapters verse by verse. “Whoa! I
didn’t know that!” Was the thought (politely put)
going through my mind. Right there in Genesis,
chapter 1 is the story of the creation of the earth
– more than once.

On the fifth day, male and female were created. But
Adam and Eve weren’t created till after the seventh

But all of that doesn’t even scratch the surface.
For more of my thoughts on it, you’ll have to wait
till this little guy finishes his book. In the mean
time, why not go to Dr. Agnew’s website and listen
to his interview with Kevin Smith. After that, you
may find yourself wanting to purchase “Gods In The

By the way, do you still think the serpent in the
garden was a snake? Really? Give me one good and
sound reason why you think that.

I’m outta here!


Sunday, July 02, 2006

Welcome To The United States Jennifer

I would like to welcome my wife’s niece Jennifer to the United
States. She arrived here from the Philippines today. Soon, I
don’t know how soon, she will wed John McCurrie of Nashville
Tennessee. Kids, I wish you both the best.

Dinner In Cebu City

I recall the first time I went to the Philippines. As
my plane came in for its landing, I felt like I was
coming home. I was going to meet my fiancé. A woman I
had written many, many times. How many times our letters
had crossed the Pacific? I had lost track, but then – I
was counting them. That same woman I went there to meet,
did become my wife. And she has made me so happy. The
accompanying picture is from the roof top cafĂ©’ of the
pension house where we spent part of our honey moon.

The Conversation

It seems to be part of the human nature to place you
under conditions. People are so free to tell someone
else they can't have this or that, or shouldn't do
something because its wrong and they give you hundreds
of reason that all wear the labels of belief (their
belief). The facts you've presented to them don’t
stack up to any more than a meaningless whisper of
the wind. Even if you put it in writing, they couldn’t
see it, or wouldn’t see it.

Back a few weeks ago, I was talking with my nephew.
The subject was talk radio, local AM broadcasting was
his bag. I made a comment about the best radio was
not on any local daytime stations schedule. He stated
he had listened to Coast To Coast AM himself. Which,
revealed to me his ambition to explore the Internet
broadcasting. I said that’s not the only one, and
began to name over a few in trying to point him in
the right direction – which would be away from all of
that political and sports stuff.

He asked what I had against sports. So I told him,
“Nothing unless you try to peddle it off on me.”
I said, “The biggest things I have against sportscast
are; if we did have an attack or invasion, half the
country would have their eyes glued to a boob-tube to
see who won what. They would never see the attack tak-
ing place till the bullets flew around them. The next
thing I have against them is, while they may be enter-
taining, the are not at all educational. But then
neither is constantly listening music to nothing but

It is funny, have you noticed when you've handed some-
one logical reasons at point blank range, it still
goes right over their heads? He thought I was speaking
up against the talk master himself, or good ole Rush.
I didn’t mention either name, I simply stated I listen
to broadcasting you don’t hear on local stations – and
you are not likely to hear it, its too plain for them.

He asked what I did listen too. He couldn’t get the
bananas out of his ears, I had already told him. Next
time I’ll write it down and hand it to him in person.
Or, I could give him the link to my Blog.

The fact is, I don’t listen to radio host that can’t
seem to talk about anything except politics, sports,
or those happy with degrading other people. When
WSB 750AM, WGST 640AM or some of those other stations
start airing Kevin Smith, Marshall Masters, Rob
McConnell, or Brooks Agnew – then the stations will
have my attention. I seriously doubt they will till

After our conversation had ended, he probably didn’t
recall a single name I mentioned. So, I guess my next
step will be to make up business cards listing the
programs with the webpage addresses.

The Kevin Smith Show

X-Zone Radio

Marshall Masters

Brooks Agnew’s X Squared Radio

Experiment With A Certain Email Account

I have a Y_____ email account I use for ezines and
chat. Back a while I noticed, as I expect many did,
I had to enter this stupid code to send out mailings.
The purpose of the code is to cut down spamming, but
what it really does is interfere with legitimate
users using the address they secured for their pur-
pose. It doesn’t restrain spammers at all, but gett-
ing Y______ to understand this is pretty much the
same as pouring a cup of water into a well – all you
can tell you have is a little more water. There is no
need to contact Y______ about the problem, all you’ll
get is an electronically generated letter asking you
to fill out a form – over and over and over.

After a few weeks of being brain warped by the necess-
ity of using the code to respond or forward emails, I
have decided to try an experiment on Y______. This is
what I’m doing and I will be posting the results here.
I opened up a dummy account especially for the experi-
ment. The only thing I will be doing is monitoring the
address every day to see what happens. I will not be
mailing from the address, or receiving replies from
anyone I’m corresponding with. My only purpose for this
account is to see how long it will take a spammer to get
their spam mail to me. As of this posting, the address
has already been set up and waiting.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Stolen? Stolen from A Guardhouse?

I work in security, my shifts are at night Monday
through Friday. We work for a security company that
contracts work from other companies.

We also have a camera (Did have) in the guardhouse
to take pictures of incidents should we need them.
This week I opened the drawer where the camera is
kept, the camera wasn’t there. I began to look for
it in the hope it was just put somewhere else. I did
not find it. This doesn’t look good considering the
only people who work in the guardhouse are guards.

Without delay, I sent a memo to my immediate super-
visor, but it just happens my supervisor is out of
town till Monday. I don’t expect the camera to turn
up, if it doesn’t the guards will have to see that
it is replaced. I’ll probably let you know what takes
place next week when my supervisor returns and reads
my memo.

Should Men Carry A Purse?

I must admit, some men seem to need one. Jimmy is a
fun loving clownish sort of guy and works at the same
place I do. About a week ago, he was out in a company
vehicle and he and his partner stopped at a Waffle
House for lunch. About thirty or so miles later, they
arrived back at the plant and it was time to clock out.
Jimmy’s partner would get to go home, but poor Jimmy
had to drive back to the Waffle House to get his phone.
The Waffle House called the plant and left a message
with Jimmy’s boss.

Jimmy had to use the same van he had driven all over
three counties that same day to get back to the Waffle
House because he couldn’t find the keys to his car.
The Waffle House hadn’t linked the keys to the phone
yet – they were found in different locations. The phone
was found on the table in the booth, the keys were
found in the restroom. Do men need a man bag?

His boss can’t say much, he lost his wallet a few days
ago. It was mailed back to him (with everything still
in it) from Riverdale Georgia. The party that found it
had bought gas at the same store Mitchell did, but
waited till they were back in the town they (the finder)
lived in before he put it in an envelope and dropped
it in a mail box back to him. Do men need a man bag?
You tell me.

Superbug strain hits the healthy --Newest Killer

Superbug strain hits the healthy

A drug-resistant superbug that spreads by skin contact is infecting thousands of people across the US and may now have reached Europe.

The MRSA bacterium, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, can be resistant to many antibiotics. It has long been a serious problem in hospitals and nursing homes, where it infects the wounds of patients weakened by disease or injury. But it now appears that a new strain is emerging that spreads through skin contact and can even infect healthy people.