Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Broken Bones

I was being lazy Sunday morning (July 15, 2006),
Marcie was at work and I had been at relaxing and
listening to some Sweet Liberty Radio on the Internet
with Alan Watt. After a while, I decided to lay back
down for a little shuteye. I wasn’t all that sleepy
(I didn’t think), just wanted to stretch out a little
while. Then the phone rang, I started to get up to
answer it and almost fell on my face. Even though my
eyes were open, my head wasn’t all that clear as if I
had just wakened from some hard sleeping.

It was Mark calling (my brother’s eldest son), he was
at Bobby’s (my brother) and Momma’s. He said Momma had
fallen again and that they had called an ambulance.

He said, he was in the living room with Momma along
about 9:30 AM, while he was looking over some pictures
he heard a blunder behind him. He turned around and
Momma was lying on the floor. Her bad leg had given
way and she had fallen.

At the hospital we found out she had broken her hip at
the joint. The ball that fits into the hipbone socket
had been broken off. They would have no choice but to
replace that part of the bone with an artificial bone
(metal). She would remain at the hospital for a few
days, then be moved to a rehabilitation center.

She is doing better now, though she is worried about
her garden. The Lord smiled on her and watered it good
last night. My brother said they had gotten a fraction
over a half inch of rain.

More Later

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