Sunday, July 16, 2006

Need A Hair Cut? Well, That’s Your Business, Not Mine.

I was born in N.W. Alabama to a severely countrified
couple. Dad was from one type of church, Mom from
another. Both were set in their ways and beliefs and
usually those beliefs were a lot different to what
mine would be. Can’t help it, some of the things you
hear in this family just plain don’t make sense. Let
some member of my dad’s family do something he might
think is a little improper and he would let it slid.
Let me try it and I would end up on the carpet or at
the wrong end of his belt.

Mom on the other hand, never whipped me, but she
would talk to me. I didn’t say I would see it her way
every time, but it was much more civil with her.
Where my dad left anger and hurt feelings behind, Mom
and I ended the conversation satisfied we had both
aired our views without yelling, hurting feelings, or
creating painful memories that would never heal. Dad
preached a lot, read his Bible a lot, but as far as
being a model image I would want to live by – forget
it. I can’t think of anyone in his family I can say I
was ever close too.

My dad made a lasting impression on me during my younger
years. The truth is, I made a vow I would never be like
him. When I was a child, I knew what I wanted to be and
what I wanted to do when I got older. That dream was des-
troyed because of where we live and my dad’s hard hand.
On the other hand, my mom tried to encourage me to follow
that dream years later. But the truth is, I don’t have
the drive now to do what I wanted to when I was young.
The events of my life, the memories behind me, and what
they did to my dreams have robbed me of something I want-
ed so much I could literally taste it.

I was over at my folk’s house today helping my brother
with a porch to a shed. It was hot and the heat soon
caught up with us. An innocent remark my mom made about
me needing a hair cut somehow brought something back to
mind my dad would have said if he were still alive. I know
she didn’t mean anything by it, but had my dad said it –
it would have been a different matter. My dad’s people
are some of the nosiest people on earth. They did and do
go out of their way to stick their nose where it doesn’t

Nuff’ Said

The Remote Castaway

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