Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Two Masters of Talk Radio May 28, 2006 Interview

Tonight at work, I listened to a broadcast where
Dr. Brooks Agnew interviewed world famous talk
show host, Kevin Smith.
The subject was mainly
regarding Smith’s book, “Gods In The Garden”.
This was one terrific show.

As the two masters of talk radio talked, the sub-
jects crossed over many things I had noticed in
the Bible myself. Those being; The two creations
of man, more than one cataclysm, gods in the
plural and many more. I could have listened to
this subject almost all night long, but my player
wouldn’t have held that volume.

I guess I first noticed the big difference in the
story in Genesis and what I’ve heard all of my
life back about the middle of 2005 when I started
taking the chapters verse by verse. “Whoa! I
didn’t know that!” Was the thought (politely put)
going through my mind. Right there in Genesis,
chapter 1 is the story of the creation of the earth
– more than once.

On the fifth day, male and female were created. But
Adam and Eve weren’t created till after the seventh

But all of that doesn’t even scratch the surface.
For more of my thoughts on it, you’ll have to wait
till this little guy finishes his book. In the mean
time, why not go to Dr. Agnew’s website and listen
to his interview with Kevin Smith. After that, you
may find yourself wanting to purchase “Gods In The

By the way, do you still think the serpent in the
garden was a snake? Really? Give me one good and
sound reason why you think that.

I’m outta here!


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