Saturday, September 19, 2009

7 things you didn't know about sleep

1 – In Shakespeare’s day your mattress would have been attached to your bed with ropes

2 – 5% of Americans say they never make their beds

3 – The average bed is home to 6 billion dust mites (get the vacuum cleaner out to minimise this).

4 – The longest anyone has gone without sleep is 18 days, 21 hours and 40 minutes while taking part in a rocking chair competition. They reportedly experienced hallucinations, paranoia, blurred vision and slurred speech.

5 – Ducks and dolphins keep half of their brain awake during sleep so they are alert enough to handle predators.

6 – The first couple to be shown together in bed on prime time TV was Fred and Wilma Flintstone.

7 – Warm feet helps trigger sleepy feelings. - we know about beds.

Article Author: Sally Stevenson

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

How to grow broad beans

Broad beans are relatively easy to grow. Broad beans are grouped in relation to the times they take to mature. There are dwarf broad beans which grow just over 30cm and tall broad beans which grow to over 1.25m in height. They are often one of the first vegetables to produce a crop in summer. Longpod varieties, these contain around 8 oblong beans and are a very hardy crop. The longpods can be sown in late autumn to produce an early crop.

Windsor varieties, these have much shorter pods with fewer beans in, however these produce sweeter beans and greater yields.

Broad beans are best grown in raised beds with a heavy soil which has been well dug in with manure the previous season. Broad beans prefer soil with a high nitrogen level, and not acid soils. Broad beans are easy to sow as they are a large seed which whilst benefiting from a few days in a propogator, can be planted in situ where they will grow. Ideally sow them in double rows alternately spaced, by this I mean seed in one row against a space in the opposite row. Sow to a depth of 6 to 7cm deep and allow 9 to 10 cm between each bean.

Germination of broad beans takes place at moderately cool temperatures and takes 2-3 weeks when sown outdoors, however I have used a propagator to good effect with beans germinating in just 3 days.

As they get taller the broad beans will need canes to support them as they grow. With the smaller dwarf varieties ensure the seed pods are kept off the ground as they grow to avoid wet rot. Keep the raised bed as weed free as possible. Water approximately every other day dependant on temperature.

When the broad beans start flowering, pinch out the tips to encourage the pods to form. Broad beans sown in spring can be harvested at around 12 to 6 weeks and beans sown in autumn can be harvested at around 28 to 35 weeks. Your broad beans can then be frozen or dried.

For more information on how to grow your own vegetables visit

How to grow garlic

Garlic is one of the easiest vegetables to grow, you can plant in January for a harvest in July/August. You can plant garlic outside in soil or in compost in 5 cm pots.

Step 1 is to buy a Bulb of Garlic - you can buy from the supermarket but organic is better as some supermarkets treat garlic bulbs with a bulb inhibitor which stops you growing new bulbs for it. So go for organic / farm garlic if you can.

Each Garlic bulb will produce 8 - 12 cloves each of which will be used to form a new plant, I would recommend 2 bulbs to start with, as this will provide more than enough garlic plants for most families.

Fill your 5cm pots with well watered compost, alternatively if you want to plant in soil prepare an area where you have space to plant the cloves 6-8 inches apart.

Break open your garlic bulbs into individual cloves, removing as much of the dry waste as possible. Then plant one clove per pot, the tip of the garlic clove should be pointing upwards and be just visible above the compost.

Keep well watered as the garlic will grow very fast in the first few days with 2 inch leaf growth per day not uncommon. Keep in a sunny position.

Other than watering garlic is very, very simple to grow. Harvesting - pull up one bulb and see how many paper like layers are around the bulb (these are called sheaths) you can peel off the bulb, if there are only three, harvest the garlic bulbs by gently pulling on the leaves and lifting with a trowel, if there are four or more layer then wait another couple weeks or until the leaves have turned brown. For more information on growing garlic and other vegetables visit

How to grow your own cabbages

Growing cabbages is fairly easy. Cabbages varieties are grouped according to the time they will reach maturity - Spring, early Summer, Summer, or Autumn. Cabbages are an annual plant.

Cabbages need rich, fertile, soil that is both moist and firm soil. Ideally suited to planting in raised beds. Of note, cabbages should be rotated in there planting each season. Best suited to soil rich in nitrogen and well manured each season.
Particular attention should be paid as to when to sow your cabbages, always read the instructions on the seed packet to do this. Initially sow your cabbages in biodegradable modules as this makes for easier planting in their final location and avoids disturbing the roots, they should be ready to be planted out on your plot in around a month, ensure they are kept well watered during this period.

As the cabbages grow keep them supported by earthing up around them. Spring cabbages may need protecting under a clear cover such as a glass or plastic cloches until established. The newer varieties of cabbage tend to store far better than older types. Your cabbages plants should be dug up after the head has been removed and harvested.

Some varieties of cabbage can be stored during winter as long as they are harvested before any frost. Simply take off the outer leaves and store on newspaper or dry straw in cool and damp location, doing this will keep the cabbages fresh for upto 5 months. If you would like more information on growing your own vegetables then please visit

How to grow carrots

Growing your own carrots is reasonably easy. Of note, carrots are actually biennials which are grown as annuals. Carrots produce thin green leaves up to 30cm high, and long orange roots e.g. the carrots.

Carrots are strong in Vitamin A, B and C. Commonly they are orange however lighter coloured varieties do exist. Carrots need good quality soil, well manured from the previous season. The soil should be loose not firm to allow the roots to grow freely downwards.

The soil should be prepared as to be as fine as possible before sowing. Carrot seeds are very small and one trick is to mix it with some fine sand to help spread the seed more evenly and avoid thinning out so much later. The carrot seeds should be sown in drills about 1cm deep with and about 20 cm apart, gently firming over with a thin layer of soil.

Carrots can be sown as early as February and late sowings as late as July, although this depends on the variety you are growing. Always read the seed packets to establish the correct sowing periods. Successive sowings every two weeks should produce a regular supply of carrots.

As the carrots grow start thinning them to around 6 to 10cm apart, making sure to protect them from carrot fly with netting or clear plastic up to a height of 60cm all around the carrots. The bed should be kept as weed free as possible and watered on a regular basis.

Early carrot crops can be harvested in as little as seven weeks after sowing, and the main crop after ten weeks. To pick simply pull them out by hand or with a small fork. Cut off the top leaves and store in a box in a cool dry place.

How to build a raised bed

How to build a raised bed Whilst they have been around for many years raised beds are the in thing this season, with many gardeners old and new now using them and I will discuss how to build one for as little money as possible.

The benefits of raised beds are:
1.) The soil heats up earlier in season and stays warmer for longer at the end of the season, thus extending the overall growing window.

2.) Raised beds can be accessed from all sides, thus eliminating the need to constantly have to avoid treading on crops or seedlings. Commonly raised beds are 6 inches high and 1.2 metres wide and 2.4 metres long. This ease of access also save our poor backs after a long day on the vegetable plot.

3.) They can also be built in high levels thus making them ideal for those gardeners with limited mobility. Higher raised beds enabling gardening from a seat or wheelchair.

What you will need to build a raised bed?

1.) Four old scaffolding planks are ideal for building raised beds, scaffolding companies often have old planks available for free if you are prepared to collect them. You want enough for 2 pieces 1.2 metres long and for 2 pieces 2.4 metres long.

2.) Enough 2 x 2 inch timber to make six 1 foot long stakes.

3.) Small tub of creosote

4.) Large paintbrush

5.) 20 decking screws.

6.) One handsaw or ideally circular saw (plus extension lead).

7.) Electric drill and 4 mm drill bit and a countersink. 8.) Saw bench or chair to rest the wood on.

9.) Tape measure.

10.) Pencil.

11.) Straight edge.

12.) Large hammer.

13.) Cordless screwdriver

14.) Old Newspaper

15.) Watering Can


1.) Rest one of the scaffolding boards on your chair or saw table, measure out 1.2 metres from one end and using your straight edge and pencil mark a line out at 90 degrees to the edge of the board.

2.) Using your handsaw or circular saw (Always take care with circular saws and wear appropriate safety gear) cut across the line.

3.) Repeat steps 1 & 2 above for the second plank.

4.) Now measure out a 2.4 metre length of board and using your straight edge and pencil mark a line at 90 degrees to the edge of the board. Then repeat step 2 above.

5.) Repeat step 4 for the second 2.4 metre board

6.) Now using your electric drill and 4mm drill bit, drill two holes 4-5 cm in from the edge of the end of each 1.2 metre long planks, approximately 4 inches apart. This should leave you with four holes drilled in each plank. Do the same with the 2.4 metre long planks. But also drill 2 more holes in the centre of the 2.4 metre long planks again about 4 inches apart.

7.) Paint the planks on both sides and then ends and put your feet up and have a cup of tea whilst they dry.

8.) Take the 2 x 2 timber and cut it into six 1 ft lengths.

9.) Take 2.4 metre long planks and place one of the timbers from 8. Above and using the decking screws fasten the 2.4 metre plank to the 1 ft lengths of 2 x2 timber. Do the same with the other 2.4 metre plank.

10.) Now using the hammer tap the 2 x 2 inch timbers attached to the first 2.4 metre long plank into the ground where you want your raised bed to be. (I recommend digging the earth around where the wood is to be hammered in first to loosen it)

11.) Now measure 1.2 metres away from the plank you just hammered in and do the same with the second 2.4 metre plank, making sure it is parallel with the first one.

12.) Now take the 1.2 metre planks and using the predrilled holes and decking screws fasten them to the 2 x 2 inch stakes at the end of each 2.4 metre long plank. Your raised bed is now ready.

13.) Now take the old newspaper and put it down in overlapping sheets in the bottom of the raised bed, then using the watering can wet it all down, allow it to dry. It should dry as one big sheet protecting the bottom of your raised bed.

14.) Add layers of compost and soil alternately to the bed. Your raised bed is now ready.

If you found this article of interest and would like to know more about growing your own vegetables then please visit

Monday, March 30, 2009

Are Limiting Beliefs Stopping You Reaching Your Potential

Our beliefs are formed from our experience of the world around us and often develop early on in life. Limiting beliefs are what stops us from moving forward and making progress by clouding our view of the world. Whatever you believe, will cause you to behave in a way that reinforces that belief.

Such beliefs may be - "I'm not good with figures", "I can't do that ...". Any statement where you use the words 'always', 'never' or 'can't' is likely to show-up a limiting belief and it can apply both to yourself and your belief about other people.

Take this opportunity to work through one of your own limiting beliefs, you might want to take a piece of paper or notebook and find a place where you can think quietly for a few moments.

1. What limiting or negative belief are you holding about the world around you? What statements are true for you - "I can't ....", "People always ....."

2. How do you know that it's true? What evidence do you have that supports this belief? You probably have lots because you will consciously or sub-consciously only see the evidence that supports it.

Think about the way your mind focuses when you buy a new car - suddenly you see lots of the same car on the road. Nothing has changed your mind is just more tuned to seeing that one particular type of car over all the others.

3. What evidence do you have that does not support this belief? This will be harder to see as you've only been tuned into the negative. Friends and colleagues may be able to help on this one.

Look at the world around you - what evidence is there that does not support this belief. What are other people's beliefs and experiences - are they the same as yours?

4. How does it feel to have this belief? What do you feel and what reaction does it create for you both physically and mentally? How do you behave when you have this belief? How do you treat yourself and others?

5. How does this belief support you, how does it keep you safe or stop you moving from where you feel comfortable? What is it costing you to keep this belief?

6. What would you do differently if you didn't hold this belief? How would your life be if you didn't have this belief? Turn the belief around and think or write down the opposite - "I'm good at figures", I can do ...". How true or real is the belief now.

Don't react to the first answers that come into your mind. These are likely to be based on what you already believe. Wait and see what happens after a little more quiet thought.

Take a more positive look at the world around you and see what you can do to change your old beliefs.

Our beliefs are formed from our experience of the world around us and often develop early on in life. Limiting beliefs are what stops us from moving forward and making progress by clouding our view of the world. Whatever you believe, will cause you to behave in a way that reinforces that belief.

Article Source:

About the Author:
Clare Evans works with busy, stressed individuals and small business owners to help them plan and organize their time more effectively. Contact her now for more details and a free consultation.

Unleash The Full Power Of Your Brain Using This Visualization Technique

Visualization is the use of mental imagery to redirect our emotions and manifest these changes into the physical world. The use of visualization in our lives is extremely powerful whether we are striving for physical benefits or towards desired goals and achievements. Focusing on these mental images that we generate can produce both positive and negative changes in our lives, so it is imperative that we are implementing positive visualization in our lives.

Your brain is divided into two hemispheres - the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere. Now, the left side of our brains is where our sense of logic resides and the right side of our brains is where our creativity resides. Since we are trained from a very young age that things must "make sense" and be logical, we tend to rely on our left brains for day to day survival. This creates an imbalance in our brains and blocks change and renewal in our lives. The use of visualization methods helps us to tap into our right brains and restore and unleash all of the hidden potential hiding there.

With that being said, there are not really any visualization secrets that you do not already know. You just need to be open to the concept of visualization itself. You can quickly and easily implement visualization methods into your lifestyle and see positive changes within six weeks or so.

There are only a few steps you need get to you started with visualization. First, you will need a quiet place to practice your visualization. In order for the process to work, you must have defined your SPECIFIC goals and intentions. When you are beginning, concentrate on your breathing - slowly and deeply. Then simply visualize yourself as having achieved your goal, whether that is better health or a new job.

If visualization sounds a bit like meditation, that is because it is. But instead of clearing your mind, you focus on and visualize your goals instead. At first, your mind may be a bit resistant to it, but keep practicing and concentrating on your visualization, and soon you will notice the positive results in your life.

Here's some of the benefits you can achieve with visualization:

1. Putting you in the right frame of mind

Sometimes life can be very distracting, especially when we are currently living in an information age. Visualization help you to stay focus at the present moment and put you in the right frame of mind.

2. Achieve positive attitude

If you can image yourself having a successful result, you will definitely be much more positive in engaging what you are going to do. This will in turn give you a more positive result.

3. Expanding your ideas

As you visualize and move toward your goal, you will be surprised at the many difference ideas that will hit you. And some of these ideas will make a huge difference between achieving a super or mediocre result.

Article Source:

The use of visualization in our lives is extremely powerful whether we are striving for physical benefits or towards desired goals and achievements. Focusing on these mental images that we generate can produce both positive and negative changes in your lives.

About the Author:
Discover the "Secrets" that have been left out of The Secret DVD. Download your Wealth Attraction free report here. Further recommended Self-Improvement and Personal Growth resources

The Secret To Visualization Its Something Most People Miss

I have never underestimated the power of visualization! It has always been a winning technique for me. I want to tell you there is a secret to it that most people miss.
I discovered at a young age that I loved to use my imagination.

I would see all kinds of wonderful things happening for me. This brought me to the realization that everything I had created up to that point I had first visualized.

If that were true and it was then I can create ANYTHING with this.

”All Your Wishes Are Granted Master!”

I remember that feeling, it was awe-inspiring. I felt as if I had discovered this power that was similar to a genie. “All your wishes are granted, master.” Sounds good to me!

You don’t want to get visualizing and day dreaming confused. When you visualize you have an intention behind it. That intention creates, energy and the energy creates attraction and that attraction brings about the manifestation.

To give you an example, if I am visualizing about becoming a motivational speaker and I have the intention of speaking for a large group of professionals, inspiring them to move to a higher level of success in their lives.

The Dream

I would see myself in front of a room of hundred’s of people all dressed in business attire. The room is large and open with high ceilings and large open windows all along one side of the room allowing the sun to pour in from out side.

I am standing at a tall dark brown podium. I am dressed in a professional black and grey business suit. I feel excited and enthusiastic as I look into the audience. I can feel my heart beating faster.

I take my time looking around the room connecting with the people in the audience. I can see their faces, I notice their expressions. Are they tired or happy to be there. This allows me to see the audience as human beings, that are individuals rather then a meld of one massive group.

If I only see a massive group that is faceless that can be intimidating. But one person, is one person. If I really look at that person I can see they are just like me. I then do this with the next person and so on. I find the commonality which connects me instead of separating me.

As I connect with the different people in the room I can feel a calm washing over me. I begin to feel centered and at ease with myself. We are all here for the same purpose to raise our level of awareness, so we can easily move through life.

In the short time it takes me to connect with the audience I feel inspiration. Once I am inspired the positive energy starts to flow through me spilling out to the audience. They can feel it and before you know it we as a group are off and running. It’s a connection!

That was a detailed story. The more I can feel that visualization, the more real it is the more likely it is to happen.

Why? At this point I am aligning myself with the vibration that will produce the result. If I am not clear or I included a (disbelief) that hundred’s of business people would pay to hear me speak, then I am sending out a vibration that will manifest exactly that. That would be the opposite of what I want to happen.

Breaking It Down

Looking at it closer you can see that in order for my visualization to become a reality I have to believe it can come true. Then, I have to feel what that is like. Really allow yourself to feel this.

If you are blocked here and can’t feel the excitement, that is the first stumbling block standing in your way. You may not realize this is happening so you keep visualizing that same scene with no excitement or feeling for weeks. When nothing happens with your visualization you decide the process doesn’t work and you stop doing it.

Visualization Is Not Only Seeing

It’s really easy to miss the feeling portion of all this. If you can’t feel it but can only see it, ask yourself, “What is stopping me from feeling excited or peaceful about this?” Now pay attention to what is coming up for you.

Look and see if there is a possibility that you are visualizing something you really aren’t ready for at this time. You may not feel you deserve it. You may feel you do deserve it but are frightened of how it will change your life when you get what you have always wanted.

Preparing For your Visualization to Happen

If your visualization is too big right now, make it smaller until you do feel comfortable with it. That does not mean you shouldn’t dream big, it means hold a less intimidating vision for yourself that would be a stepping stone to the bigger vision.

Graduating To the Big Dream

Once you feel comfortable with the smaller visualization and your great feelings are in alignment with your vision then go to the next step.

Let’s say that you have the “Motivational Speaker” dream. But speaking in front of a hundred’s of business professionals that are all spending their hard earned money to listen to you can feel stressful.

Begin by seeing yourself speaking to a small group of five to ten people that you feel comfortable with. Allow yourself to feel at ease with the idea. Then each day expand it until you confidently see your self speaking to a group of hundreds.

Happy Visualizing!!

Article entitled: The Secret To Visualization Its Something Most People Miss…
About: Visualization, success, motivation, business, creating.

Dawn Abraham CTACC and the Official Guide for Small Business Marketing Life/Business Coach, partnering with professionals and entrepreneurs to create balanced lives while earning more money. Private Coaching, Group Coaching, Free Tele-classes and resources are offered. Visit my web site for more information.

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